Progress Report 2012
VinylPlus' scope is wider than Vinyl 2010's, introducing new work areas such as energy and resources efficiency, climate change and sustainability awareness, and covering all PVC waste streams, including automotive, electric & electronic and packaging. Its geographical reach goes further, adding Norway and Switzerland to the EU-27 with a clear aim at engaging globally.
In this first VinylPlus Annual Report, our challenges and the progress made so far are reported. Further technical information is published on our web portal, where an online progress tracker allows visitors to follow our journey towards the agreed targets. VinylPlus blends creativity and technological innovation, social responsibility and economic prosperity, environmental protection and resource efficiency. For this mix to work, it is extremely important for the entire PVC value chain to understand the value of this commitment and support VinylPlus.
But it is also important that external stakeholders such as public procurement authorities and technical specifiers recognise the value of a more and more sustainable PVC.
From our side, we can guarantee maximum efforts in driving the PVC industry into the new era of a greener economy.
To learn more about the work VinylPlus is doing to meet its 5 challenges and the accomplishments of our individual projects, please visit measuring our progress