VinylPlus 2030 Commitment
VinylPlus 2030 is the next 10-year Commitment of the European PVC industry to Sustainable Development. With its renewed Commitment, VinylPlus aims to contribute proactively to addressing the global sustainability challenges and priorities. VinylPlus 2030 covers the EU-27 plus Norway, Switzerland and the UK.
Building upon a track record of 20+ years of progress and achievements, through VinylPlus 2030, the European PVC value chain is setting a new series of commitments.
Within the next 10 years, the resin and additives producers, converters and recyclers of the PVC industry will actively work together and share responsibility for accelerating the transition of the European PVC value chain to a circular economy. We will act as a pacesetter in innovation, collaboration and communication, adhering to science-based principles to demonstrate that PVC is a material of choice for a sustainable society, thereby acting at the forefront of the circular economy and sustainable development in the plastics sector both in Europe and worldwide.
The VinylPlus 2030 Commitment has been developed bottom-up through industry workshops and with an open process of stakeholder consultation. Three ‘pathways’ and 12 ‘action areas’ have been identified embracing the PVC value chain’s circularity, its advancement towards carbon neutrality, minimisation of the environmental footprint of the PVC production and products, and its engagement with stakeholders and global coalitions.
All targets will be subject to a mid-term review in 2025, to take into account technological progress as well as the evolution of socio-economic, regulatory and environmental frameworks.
The VinylPlus programme to 2020 was developed through open dialogue with stakeholders, identifying key challenges for PVC on the basis of The Natural Step System Conditions for a Sustainable Society.
For its next sustainability programme to 2030, in order to contribute proactively to addressing the global challenges and priorities, VinylPlus adopted an outside-in approach to goal setting. The next VinylPlus Commitment aims to contribute to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with a particular focus on sustainable consumption and production, climate change and partnerships. It also seeks to align with the most relevant EU policies, such as the Circular Economy Action Plan and the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability under the European Green Deal. In line with VinylPlus’ active participation in the European Commission’s Circular Plastics Alliance (CPA), the new commitment also embraces the CPA’s targets on the use of recycled plastics in new products.
The next Commitment of the PVC value chain identifies three ‘pathways’: scaling up PVC value chain circularity; advancing towards carbon neutrality and minimising our environmental footprint; and building global coalitions and partnering for the SDGs. The three pathways are further broken down into twelve action areas that outline concrete steps to be taken by the European PVC industry for the sustainable development of PVC.
The VinylPlus 2030 Commitment is built around three Pathways:

Pathway 1: Scaling up PVC Value Chain Circularity
“The PVC industry embraces the circular economy. We commit to building upon the achievements made over the last 20 years to accelerate towards circularity. We aim to ensure controlled-loop management of PVC, from circular product design, the development of additional collection schemes and advanced recycling technologies, to ensuring the safe use of recyclate in new high-performance, durable products.”
1.1. Advancing our circularity ambitions
- Achieve at least 900,000 tonnes and 1 million tonnes per year of recycled PVC used in new products by 2025 and 2030, respectively.
- By 2024, set additional ‘stretch’ recycling targets.
- Carry out a review of existing collection and recycling schemes by 2022.
- By 2023, set-up a list of applications, projects, and initiatives where additional collection schemes to reduce landfill would be required.
- Where appropriate, support the set-up of additional collection and recycling schemes and produce a status report by 2025.
1.2. Fostering science-based solutions for the safe and sustainable use of additives
- Carry out a gap analysis on existing scientific data and review it annually starting from 2022.
- Report annually onactive support of and data generation for relevant risk assessment, human bio-monitoring and socio-economic studies.
- Report annuallyon support given to technical projects that enable and demonstrate the safe use of recyclates containing legacy additives.
- Continue investigating solutions to detect specific substances in PVC waste streams and produce a report by 2023.
- By 2025, develop at least one sorting technology for PVC waste with specific additives.
- Report annually on VinylPlus’ continued support to relevant technical projects leading to the removal of legacy additives.
1.3. Supporting innovative recycling technologies
- Assess where chemical recycling could be a valuable complementary recovery solution to mechanical recycling, based on cost-benefit and LCA assessments.By 2022, identify and evaluate relevant chemical recycling technologies for plastics waste containing PVC.
- Confirm the feasibility of thermal treatment of difficult-to-recycle PVC waste to recover chlorine and move to an operational status (TRL 7) by 2024.
- By 2025, encourage the establishment of and participate in consortia aiming to build chemical recycling capacities for plastics waste containing PVC.
- A valid sorting or separation technology for complex (e.g., composite) PVC products tested (TRL 5) by 2025.
1.4. Prioritising circularity through ecodesign
- Promote the ecodesign guidelines developed in the framework of the CPA to foster the PVC value chain’s transition to circularity, and, starting from 2022, report annually on the best examples of products and services developed by VinylPlus partners.

Pathway 2: Advancing towards Carbon Neutrality and Minimising our Environmental Footprint
“Sustainable chemistry and carbon neutrality are at the heart of a sustainable economy. By applying a science-based approach, we commit to ensuring that all PVC products, including their supply chains and manufacturing processes, continue to reduce their impact on human health and the environment.”
2.1. Advancing towards carbon neutrality
- VinylPlus will evaluate the potential and, by 2025, report on projected core carbon reduction progress to be achieved by 2030.
- By 2025, report on the use of renewable energy.
- By 2025, report on sustainable feedstock sourcing.
2.2. Embracing the sustainable use of chemical substances
- By 2021, organisation of at least one introductory ASF webinar by VinylPlus.
- By 2022, produce a report on the sectors’/partners’ experience and application of the ASF tool.
2.3. Minimising our environmental footprint
- By 2021, achieve full compliance with the ECVM Charter (updated version 2019).
- Issue ECVM Charter updates in 2025 and 2030.
- Sectors will set up, as appropriate, indicators to support the reduction targets of the water footprint of processes and products. Review reports will be produced in 2025 and 2030.
- Triennial review on the improvement of the eco-profiles of PVC products, starting from 2022.
- VinylPlus takes an active role in guiding its partners and will recommend relevant schemes for the minimisation and responsible treatment of spillages of polymers and polymer compounds, enabling VinylPlus partners to adopt one scheme by 2022.
2.4 Responsible supplier criteria and programmes
- By 2024, produce an inventory of relevant certification schemes applied by the chlorine, ethylene and by other extractive industries, to provide the VinylPlus partners with relevant and transparent information on the sustainability progress of the upstream supply chain.

Pathway 3: Building Global Coalitions and Partnering for the SDGs
“Representing the united European PVC value chain as VinylPlus, we commit to ensuring transparency and accountability in its relationships with all stakeholders. Engaging with key stakeholders, including brand owners and specifiers, we will contribute to sustainable development through certified and traceable products. We will continue partnering with civil society, European and global organisations, as well as with the global PVC communities, to share our best sustainability practices and contribute to the UN SDGs.”
3.1. Ensuring transparency and accountability
- A public, and independently audited, VinylPlus Progress Report will be published annually and proactively promoted to key stakeholders.
- By 2021, each VinylPlus industry sector will define its specific contributions to the common targets and ensure that they are properly disseminated within the partner companies.
- By 2025, develop guidelines and supporting information to help VinylPlus partners demonstrate the progress of the PVC value chain towards sustainability.
3.2. Contributing to sustainable development through certified and traceable products
- 1. Extend the scope of the VinylPlus® Product Label:
- a. Obtain recognition by at least one additional major green building standard by 2022.
- b. Obtain the Label’s inclusion in three different procurement systems by 2025.
- c. Expand the scope of the Label’s certification scheme to at least one additional PVC application by 2025.
- 2. Extend the scope of the VinylPlus® Supplier Certificate:
- a. By 2022, five production sites to have obtained the VinylPlus® Supplier Certificate.
- b. By 2025, twenty production sites to have obtained the VinylPlus® Supplier Certificate.
- 3. Assess PVC products’ contribution as sustainable solutions for end-users:
- a. Starting from 2023, produce a biennial report on contribution to climate change reduction by PVC products.
- b. By 2025, evaluate the potential of the ‘Carbon handprint methodology’ or other suitable tool(s) to assess the contribution of PVC products to the improvement of the environmental footprint of end-users.
3.3. Engaging stakeholders in the sustainable transformation of the PVC industry
- Pursue engagement with international and intergovernmental organisations to share VinylPlus’ knowledge, experience and business model for sustainability and report annually.
- By 2024, engage regularly with at least one well-known NGO.
- Co-operate with regional and global value chain bodies to exchange best practices and communicate the VinylPlus sustainability model at the regional and global levels. Annually report on progress, starting from 2022.
3.4. Partnering with stakeholders
- Keep engaging with civil society, including young generations, on joint projects for sustainable development and report annually.
- By 2024, develop at least one joint project per year with local communities and institutions/associations of public authorities to progress on one or more of the SDGs’ targets.
- By 2025, develop partnerships with three consumer-facing global brand owners or private sector sustainability leaders to progress on one or more of the SDGs’ targets.
All targets will be subject to a mid-term review in 2025, to take into account technological progress as well as the evolution of socio-economic, regulatory and environmental frameworks.