VinylPlus is managed by a Steering Board composed of six voting members and six substitutes, all from partner companies in representation of VinylPlus founding members, and with the participation of the VinylPlus and the Vinyl Foundation1 Managing Directors. The Steering Board is supported by an Advisory Council composed of representatives from the VinylPlus member associations and groups of partner companies chosen to ensure a broad representation of all sector groups. Its role is to monitor industry trends, as well as regulatory and policy developments, and to advise the Steering Board.
The VinylPlus Monitoring Committee is the independent body supervising the implementation of the Commitment. It plays a fundamental role in ensuring the transparency, participation and accountability of VinylPlus, as well as in providing guidance and advice. Open to all external stakeholders, it currently includes representatives of the European Commission, the European Parliament, academic institutions, trade unions and consumer organisations, as well as representatives of the European PVC industry.