Market recognition
Public procurement authorities can be an influential factor for private industry and consumers whilst contributing to raising awareness about the importance of sustainable development.
The European PVC value chain has united its efforts under VinylPlus to transform the way the industry operates and improve the sustainability credentials of PVC.
VinylPlus partners can have their sustainability efforts easily recognisable by public procurers by getting the VinylPlus® Product Label, a labelling scheme thought to seamlessly identify the most sustainable and high-performance PVC products for the building and construction sectors. In fact, the VinylPlus® Product Label constantly challenges VinylPlus partners to demonstrate and drive up their sustainability performance, and allows Green Public Procurers, building companies and architects to always have access to transparent and impartial information.
Why a Product Label?
- It helps the large pool of VinylPlus partners to continuously certify and drive up their sustainability performance
- Provides transparent and impartial information shortcuts to public and private buyers
- Encourages the demand for and supply of PVC products with a superior sustainability performance through communication of verifiable and accurate information
- Implies recognised stamp and marketing tool for those companies living the VinylPlus programme
- Aligns with competitor B&C materials having their own sustainability standard (FSC, PEFC, Concrete Sustainability Council, Aluminium Stewardship Initiative..)
- Allows customers and markets to easily identify which are the most sustainable PVC products
- Facilitates public procurers in their hunt for sustainability products

Europe’s public authorities are major consumers. By using their purchasing power to choose environmentally friendly goods, services and works, they can make an important contribution to sustainable consumption and production.
Former EU Commissioner for Environment, Janez Potočnik, on Green Public Procurement.