What They Say About Us

Nilgün Tas
Deputy Director, Department of Environment, UNIDO
“You have created an excellent pre-competitive space for industry on circularity, which we usually point to when we talk with other stakeholders. “
Nilgün Tas, UNIDO
“What are some of the commendable actions on the ground from the private sector, particularly VinylPlus? You have created an excellent pre-competitive space for industry on circularity, which we usually point to when we talk with other stakeholders.
The voluntary R&D supported by the value-chain actors and your Commitment for 2030 are very valuable, as are your efforts to exchange experiences and information globally.”
Prof. Dr Ir. Jo Dewulf
Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University
“Shifting towards renewable energy and material feedstocks to mitigate climate change impacts is a responsibility for all of us: producers and consumers.”
Prof. Dr Ir. Jo Dewulf Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University
“Shifting towards renewable energy and material feedstocks to mitigate climate change impacts is a responsibility for all of us: producers and consumers. It is good to see that also the European PVC industry sets a clear commitment in this direction with VinylPlus 2030.”

Professor Bernhard Franken
Franken Generalplaner GmbH
“Sustainability is no longer a topic for Sunday speeches but offers competitive advantages.
As architects, we are increasingly being urged by developers to only install certified sustainable products. “
Professor Bernhard Franken Franken Generalplaner GmbH
“Sustainability is no longer a topic for Sunday speeches but offers competitive advantages. As architects, we are increasingly being urged by developers to only install certified sustainable products, because their end customers are international investment funds that only include sustainable buildings in their funds based on their ESG criteria. The VinylPlus® Product Label, as the first sustainability label for plastics recognized by BREEAM, qualifies PVC windows for use in sustainable buildings, securing market opportunities.
Nilgün Tas
UNIDO, Chief of the Industrial Resource Efficiency Division in the Department of Environment
“The whole UN system, including UNIDO, encourages all sectors of industry to see the Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as the new business operating environment,…
Nilgün Tas - UNIDO, Chief of the Industrial Resource Efficiency Division in the Department of Environment VSF 2018 – Madrid
“The whole UN system, including UNIDO, encourages all sectors of industry to see the Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as the new business operating environment, and to actively seize the opportunities offered for meeting essential human and ecosystem needs, including through increased material and energy efficiency. We stand ready to help the business in this endeavour and commend initiatives such as VinylPlus for its leadership in the areas of recycling and addressing sector challenges, in particular by working with partners along the value chain.”

Kirsi Ekroth-Manssila
Head of Unit, DG GROW, European Commission
“VinylPlus is a perfect example of how to make the Circular Economy a reality, being the first value chain in 2000 to take on the challenge of transforming a problem into an opportunity. “
Kirsi Ekroth-Manssila Head of Unit, DG GROW, European Commission
“VinylPlus is a perfect example of how to make the Circular Economy a reality, being the first value chain in 2000 to take on the challenge of transforming a problem into an opportunity. In addressing the environmental concerns of PVC, VinylPlus and the industry came up with an ambitious and forward-looking approach: to organise, cooperate and communicate with the whole value chain, from the producer to the downstream user and the waste manager.
Carlos Alvarez Pereira
Club of Rome and UNESCO Chair on Global Understanding for Sustainability
“The VinylPlus Sustainability Forum created a warm and safe space to engage into challenging conversations about what it means ..
Carlos Alvarez Pereira - Club of Rome and UNESCO Chair on Global Understanding for Sustainability

“The VinylPlus Sustainability Forum created a warm and safe space to engage into challenging conversations about what it means to be responsible in the context of an industry obliged to reinvent itself. The challenge of making the vinyl industry work for a sustainable future goes beyond the borders of Europe, it is truly global.”

Stijn Brancart
Expert in Circular Construction, VIBE – the Flemish Institute for Bio-Ecological Building and Living
“The VinylPlus certification is an interesting initiative as it not only provides specific criteria for more sustainable PVC production and use.. “
Kirsi Ekroth-Manssila Head of Unit, DG GROW, European Commission
“VinylPlus is a perfect example of how to make the Circular Economy a reality, being the first value chain in 2000 to take on the challenge of transforming a problem into an opportunity. In addressing the environmental concerns of PVC, VinylPlus and the industry came up with an ambitious and forward-looking approach: to organise, cooperate and communicate with the whole value chain, from the producer to the downstream user and the waste manager.
Jo Dewulf
Chairman, VinylPlus Monitoring Committee
“Obvious progress has been made in terms of product stewardship, the elimination of problematic additives, the development of best practices..
Jo Dewulf Chairman, VinylPlus Monitoring Committee
“Obvious progress has been made in terms of product stewardship, the elimination of problematic additives, the development of best practices, research into innovative technologies and improvement of the environmental footprint of PVC. Now, we must all commit to working hard on the new programme VinylPlus is developing. I look forward to a new decade of progress towards sustainability.
Paul Hohnen
Founder, Sustainability Strategies
“VinylPlus can be very proud of the fact that it recognized in 2000 that we would see an increasing international focus on the urgency of dealing with sustainability issues..
Stijn Brancart - Expert in Circular Construction, VIBE – the Flemish Institute for Bio-Ecological Building and Living
“The VinylPlus certification is an interesting initiative as it not only provides specific criteria for more sustainable PVC production and use, but also opens up discussion and stimulates producers to apply the principles through different approaches. It focuses on recycled content and upcycling potential but also contains aspects of demountability and even return policies.
Martina Dlabajová
Member of the European Parliament
“Evolution towards sustainable development requires a change of mindset. I often find myself using VinylPlus as an example of a voluntary commitment to sustainable development from industry that works…
Martina Dlabajová - Member of the European Parliament
“Evolution towards sustainable development requires a change of mindset. I often find myself using VinylPlus as an example of a voluntary commitment to sustainable development from industry that works. Only through cooperation with businesses and industry can politicians make informed decisions.”
Ilcheong Yi
Senior Research Coordinator from the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)
“The underpinning value of the combined social, economic and environmental pillars is vital;…
Ilcheong Yi - Senior Research Coordinator from the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)
“The underpinning value of the combined social, economic and environmental pillars is vital; sustainable development is about more than durability. VinylPlus is a good case of a holistic approach to these underpinning values.”
Michael Ulbrich
Managing Director, Global Lead for Circular Economy in Chemicals, Accenture
“On the topic of product circularity, a vast majority of respondents in our survey confirmed that PVC recycling..
Michael Ulbrich Managing Director – Global Lead for Circular Economy in Chemicals, Accenture
“On the topic of product circularity, a vast majority of respondents in our survey confirmed that PVC recycling should be scaled up, hand in hand with exploring new circular business models. This will allow PVC to build on the strong sustainability track record established over the last decade and to continue to be seen as a frontrunner in circularity.
Martina Dlabajová
Member of the European Parliament
Euractiv – 25 October 2017
“An effective voluntary commitment is not an easy option. It takes time, motivation, and dedication from the entire value chain. The commitment should encompass clear objectives with ambitious, measurable targets and deadlines. VinylPlus®, the Voluntary Commitment…
Martina Dlabajová - Member of the European Parliament - Euractiv – 25 October 2017
“An effective voluntary commitment is not an easy option. It takes time, motivation, and dedication from the entire value chain. The commitment should encompass clear objectives with ambitious, measurable targets and deadlines. VinylPlus®, the Voluntary Commitment to sustainable development of the European PVC industry, is a good example of this approach. As a member of the VinylPlus Monitoring Committee I have seen for myself that self-regulation can be extremely effective.
The European Union has embraced the circular economy and its commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Effective voluntary commitments, in combination with ambitious policy, should drive this project. There can be no better way of creating a fully-functioning, sustainable and circular economy than by bringing together everyone who will make this happen. VinylPlus rightfully positions the circular economy as a unique opportunity for dialogue and collaboration between private and public entities to achieve the shared goal of long-term value creation, which will unlock the full potential of the circular economy.”
Martina Dlabajová
– Member of the European Parliament Euractiv –
25 October 2017
“The European Union has embraced the circular economy and its commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Effective voluntary commitments,…
Martina Dlabajová - Member of the European Parliament Euractiv – 25 October 2017
“The European Union has embraced the circular economy and its commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Effective voluntary commitments, in combination with ambitious policy, should drive this project. There can be no better way of creating a fully-functioning, sustainable and circular economy than by bringing together everyone who will make this happen. VinylPlus rightfully positions the circular economy as a unique opportunity for dialogue and collaboration between private and public entities to achieve the shared goal of long-term value creation, which will unlock the full potential of the circular economy.”
Barbara Kreissler
Former Head of the Business Partnerships Group
“UNIDO is particularly proud to have an industry-wide partnership such as VinylPlus on the Green Industry Platform…
Barbara Kreissler - Former Head of the Business Partnerships Group VSF 2014 – Rome, 8 May 2014
“UNIDO is particularly proud to have an industry-wide partnership such as VinylPlus on the Green Industry Platform. The recent milestones they have achieved demonstrate how the private sector can be transformative in nature and can take the lead in achieving an important step towards sustainability objectives and realizing a more inclusive and sustainable model of industrial development. This partnership model is therefore of great relevance not only in the European context, but also for developing and transition economies that are just beginning their journey of sustainable economic growth.”
Christophe Yvetot
UNIDO Representative to the European Union
“I’m happy to see that in its Progress Report 2017 VinylPlus is reporting its contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals,…
Christophe Yvetot - UNIDO Representative to the European Union VSF 2017 – Berlin
“I’m happy to see that in its Progress Report 2017 VinylPlus is reporting its contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals, having identified the goals each of its five challenges relate to. I’d like to congratulate VinylPlus; we know how difficult it is to bring a whole value chain together to achieve more sustainability. VinylPlus shows that industry can change, industry can contribute. VinylPlus is a good role model and we are ready to work more closely with them.”
Dr Mark Everard
Associate Professor of Ecosystem Services & Independent Consultant, University of the West of England, Bristol
“One thing about VinylPlus® is that everything is out on the table, it’s not as if we’re creating targets, not telling anyone about them…
Dr Mark Everard - Associate Professor of Ecosystem Services & Independent Consultant, University of the West of England, Bristol VSF 2017 - Berlin
“One thing about VinylPlus® is that everything is out on the table, it’s not as if we’re creating targets, not telling anyone about them, not telling them how we’re doing. Everything is transparently stated in terms of the intent. […] So right across the five challenges there is tangible progress that anyone with two clicks of a mouse can check up on. PVC has moved from a state of being perceived as a pariah material towards one now that is being cited as an exemplar by the UN and the EU and other sectors, simply because of the massive progress and the transparent reporting of that progress. Its role in the circular economy is very much now as a leader, rather than a laggard.”
Dr Mark Everard
Associate Professor of Ecosystem Services & Independent Consultant, University of the West of England, Bristol
“VinylPlus® is obviously unique in Europe, because there are cross-PVC bodies in America, in Australia, right across the world,…
Dr Mark Everard - Associate Professor of Ecosystem Services & Independent Consultant, University of the West of England, Bristol VSF 2018 - Madrid
“VinylPlus® is obviously unique in Europe, because there are cross-PVC bodies in America, in Australia, right across the world. But the uniqueness [of VinylPlus] is that so many players in the value chain are under one metaphorical roof, and are pulling together around 5 uniting challenges. And it’s that cross-sectoral uniqueness that could really make the difference.”
Stephan Sicars
Director Department of Environment, UNIDO
“The role of VinylPlus aligns very well with the Sustainable Development Goals. VinylPlus allows the industry,…
Stephan Sicars - Director Department of Environment, UNIDO VSF 2016 – Vienna
“The role of VinylPlus aligns very well with the Sustainable Development Goals. VinylPlus allows the industry to come together to discuss the main characteristics of sustainability, and how they can contribute. VinylPlus can make that visible for governments and for civil society.”
Christophe Yvetot
UNIDO Representative to the European Union
“The post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and climate commitments will offer a new narrative for the industry: sharing prosperity and respecting the environment….
Christophe Yvetot - UNIDO Representative to the European Union VSF 2015 – Cannes
“The post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and climate commitments will offer a new narrative for the industry: sharing prosperity and respecting the environment. As a member of the Green Industry Platform, the Vinyl Industry can actively contribute to the global sustainability agenda through its continuous efforts to reduce its environmental and climate footprint and to develop new green products, services and jobs that will support a more sustainable world.
In the race for sustainability the laggards will lose. We see the VinylPlus initiative as the forerunner and role model for a global standard of the industry.”
Arab Hoballah
Former Chief Sustainable Lifestyles, Cities and Industry of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEnvironment)
“TUNEP welcomes all Sector initiatives such as VinylPlus, which recognize the challenges, set targets, engage stakeholders and demonstrate progress. 2015 will set the sustainability agenda through 2030 and beyond…
Arab Hoballah - Former Chief Sustainable Lifestyles, Cities and Industry of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEnvironment) VSF 2015 – Cannes
“UNEP welcomes all Sector initiatives such as VinylPlus, which recognize the challenges, set targets, engage stakeholders and demonstrate progress. 2015 will set the sustainability agenda through 2030 and beyond. No matter how you react, the trends that are driving the planet are driving the market. The private sector can see this as a new set of regulations, restrictions and red tape, or as a historic, immediate opportunity to innovate, grow new markets, and build new relationships with customers and other stakeholders to help society meet the challenge of change. UNEP stands ready to work with those visionaries.”

Gwenole Cozigou Former Director
DG GROW, European Commission
“VinylPlus can be considered as a frontrunner for the circular economy”

Sajjad Karim Former
Member of the European Parliament VinylPlus launch
Brussels, June 2011
“Legislation is not necessary the best answer in every situation. Vinyl 2010 is a perfect example of an industry doing something on a voluntary basis to act in the interest of the European Union as a whole”
Heinz Leuenberger
Former Director of UNIDO’s Environmental Management Branch Guangzhou (China)
“The participation of VinylPlus (in the Green Industry Platform) enables the European PVC industry to be a key contributor to the global promotion….
Heinz Leuenberger - Former Director of UNIDO’s Environmental Management Branch Guangzhou (China), 9 November 2013
“The participation of VinylPlus (in the Green Industry Platform) enables the European PVC industry to be a key contributor to the global promotion of a more sustainable model of industrial production. While often seen as an environmental threat, plastics also offer immense potential in terms of resource efficiency and recycling measures, and we look forward to working with VinylPlus in achieving our shared objectives.”
Tomas Anker Christensen
Ambassador and former Senior Advisor at the United Nations Office for Partnerships
“Partnerships are a key enabler for achieving progress on agreed development goals, including sustainable development. VinylPlus has demonstrated success…
Tomas Anker Christensen - Ambassador and former Senior Advisor at the United Nations Office for Partnerships VSF 2013 – Istanbul, 26 April 2013
“Partnerships are a key enabler for achieving progress on agreed development goals, including sustainable development. VinylPlus has demonstrated success and we are keen to see how the European industry challenges itself to be more ambitious and concrete in addressing identified challenges. Industry has a critical role to play in accelerating change, greening the economy and driving sustainable progress around the world.”
Patricia Chaves
Former Head of the Partnerships Program of the Division for Sustainable Development at the United Nations Rio de Janeiro, June 2012
“Vinyl is for us one of the most successful Partnerships since the Partnerships program was established. From the United Nations and from..
Patricia Chaves - Former Head of the Partnerships Program of the Division for Sustainable Development at the United Nations Rio de Janeiro, June 2012
“Vinyl is for us one of the most successful Partnerships since the Partnerships program was established.
From the United Nations and from the Division for Sustainable Development we have followed the work done by Vinyl and Vinyl 2010. We are very honored and privileged to know that there is a VinylPlus, that there is a future for the PVC industry in Europe.”