
Partner interview with Gerhard Wewior, Georg Fischer DEKA
19 August 2013

Partner interview with Gerhard Wewior, Georg Fischer DEKA

Georg Fischer DEKA (since 1998 integrated into Georg Fischer Company, Switzerland) is one of the leading manufacturer of polymer pipes. When und why did your company decide to join VinylP...
Interview with Jon Skinner, Epwin Window Systems Division
17 July 2013

Interview with Jon Skinner, Epwin Window Systems Division

Epwin Window Systems is a division of the Epwin Group of Companies, one of the UK’s leading manufacturers of PVCU  window & door products. When and why did your company decide to j...
Reduction of CO2 emissions and improving energy efficiency
15 July 2013

Reduction of CO2 emissions and improving energy efficiency

The particiapants at the Vinyl Sustainability Forum 2013 discussed the future of the Emissions Trading Scheme, the road to sustainable chemistry and the opportunities of the building renovation se...
45 year old PVC windows start their 2nd life in Brussels
10 July 2013

45 year old PVC windows start their 2nd life in Brussels

The entire process of recycling end-of-life PVC-u windows in a closed loop was demonstrated to press and special guests in an event jointly organised by Federplast. and EPPA with the support of Vi...
Achieving environmental and sustainability goals
05 June 2013

Achieving environmental and sustainability goals

Organised by the EurActiv Foundation with the support of TEPPFA and VinylPlus this conference - hosted by MEP Vittorio Prodi - discussed the role recycling can play in improving air quality. Envir...
Manufacturing as the backbone to economic recovery
03 June 2013

Manufacturing as the backbone to economic recovery

The PVC industry is capable of helping Europe overcome the current economic crisis and achieve the competitiveness goals set by the EU for 2020. Particiapants at the Vinyl Sustainability Forum 201...
Over 360,000 tonnes of PVC recycled in Europe in 2012
29 April 2013

Over 360,000 tonnes of PVC recycled in Europe in 2012

VinylPlus registered a record 362,076 tonnes of PVC recycled last year, keeping it on track to meet the challenge of recycling 800,000 tonnes per year by 2020. A more comprehensive and wider scope for...
Newcomer interview with Geir Vegsund, H-Produkter AS
12 February 2013

Newcomer interview with Geir Vegsund, H-Produkter AS

Why did your company decide to join VinylPlus? PVC windows keep increasing their market share in Norway. Over the last two years we have more than doubled our production capacity. With more than 20 y...
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