
Vinyl Sustainability Forum 2014

08.05.2014 - 09.05.2014

The 2014 Vinyl Sustainability Forum revolved around the theme of "Enhancing the value of partnerships." The event was held in Rome on the 8th and 9th May 2014. 

Collaboration with Regional, National, European and International partners is at the core of the PVC Industry’s Voluntary Commitment’s success. At the institutional level, cooperation between public and private sectors is considered a very effective mechanism to progress toward sustainability. The sessions of the VSF14 were therefore structured around the following topics:

  • VinylPlus Progress & Achievements
  • Market trends update
  • Partnerships as a driving force: cooperation towards sustainability goals
  • Working together towards Resource & Energy Efficiency
  • Partnerships through trust and cooperation across the value chain
  • Looking to the future - Innovation & Circular Economy

VSF14: Brigitte Dero - General Manager, ECVM & VinylPlus from VinylPlus on Vimeo.

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Vinyl Sustainability Forum 2014