Summary of VinylPlus Contributions to the ECHA Investigation on PVC and its Additives
The Commission (DG GROW and ENV) mandated ECHA to conduct a comprehensive investigation on the use, exposure, life cycle, and waste management of PVC and its additives. The investigation report aims to gather scientific evidence to assess potential risks to health and the environment from PVC and its additives and whether further regulatory measures beyond those already in place are needed.
As part of the process, ECHA opened three calls for evidence on PVC and its additives and potential alternatives. ECHA collected information on a subset of 63 additives used as heat stabilisers, plasticisers, and flame retardants in PVC, alternative plastics to PVC, and additives used in alternative plastics to PVC. ECHA also tasked Ramboll with parts of the investigative work, and Ramboll conducted two surveys on alternatives to PVC and the socioeconomic impacts of potential replacement of PVC as well as the presence and influence of certain legacy additives in PVC and PVC alternatives.
VinylPlus, the European PVC industry’s commitment to sustainable development, which brings together the full value chain, engaged in the ECHA investigation on PVC and its additives proactively and constructively. Throughout the multiple calls for evidence and questionnaires, VinylPlus has provided accurate, updated, and comprehensive information on PVC additives, their alternatives, and potential impacts, submitting over 1800 pages of evidence. You'll find here the summary.